~The Danger of Comparing~

So I am yet blogging on more of my current book Broken Into Beatiful by G Smith.
She talks about the importance of not comparing ourselves with others... biggest reason is because it takes the focus off Jesus and onto US. Not good... Once I start focusing on me it's all downhill. God wants and deserves all glory. "I am the LORD; that is My Name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols." Isaiah 42:8 It doesn't sound to me that He has much allowance for me to start focusing on myself. Also dangerous to compare because it puts a wedge between my friends and me. How many times have I compared myself to someone because the seem more successful to me. A few personal ways I compare myself is :
Looks~ other people who are more comfortable with themselves~their success stories~their ability to have children. Not good...God has a plan for me and it is a waste of time to look at others and wonder why them and not me? One GIG wrote a devotional that said stop saying Why me? and start saying What Now Lord? Staying in a place of action with the Lord can keep us from constantly comparing ourselves with others and falling into the pit of selfPITy.

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My husband Bruce and I have been married for almost 5 years. We recently moved to NC. We have 3 cats Bucky and Molly and Gracie.


I need an afternoon just admiring beautiful Fall...I miss the Hudson Valley

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